‘Major’ Drama: Biden & The Secret Service Are Not Getting Along

It is no secret that the Secret Service has had a long and storied history of protecting the president of the United States. But according to a new book, President Joe Biden has been wary of the agency since taking office, reportedly believing that many of its agents supported former President Donald Trump.

The book, “The Fight of His Life” by Chris Whipple, reveals that Biden does not speak about sensitive matters in front of the Secret Service and has even accused an agent of lying about being bitten on the leg by then-first dog Major last year.

According to Whipple, Biden thought “somebody was lying … about the way the incident had gone down.” However, internal emails released last year indicated that the German shepherd had actually bitten agents eight days in a row.

The president’s attitude towards the Secret Service has caused some tension between him and his protectors. One agent insisted that Biden personally pay to repair a ripped coat after Major attacked the president and first lady Jill Biden upon their return to the White House Tennis Pavilion.

“NO I didn’t surprise the dog doing my job by being at [redacted] as the press secretary just said! Now I’m pissed,” the agent attacked on March 8 wrote to a co-worker.

Below is a full timeline from the New York Post:

The full timeline revealed by agency documents indicates that agents were bitten on Feb. 28, 2022 — initially at around 9 a.m. and then around 7 p.m. — at Biden’s home in Wilmington, Del.

n the first attack of the day, Major charged across a lawn and an agent “turned around to avoid a direct attack” and got bitten in their right thigh. A photo taken a week later showed an “oval shape” bruise that “demonstrates the outline of the dog’s closed jaws.”

Later that day, President Biden took his older dog, Champ, who has since died, inside but left Major outdoors.

“Almost immediately after the door had shut, [the agent] observed Major running at [redacted] full stride from the main driveway” and the agent “quickly made an effort to seek shelter inside … [but] Major intercepted [the agent] and bit down on [their] left forearm,” according to the documents.

The agent “quickly shook Major off,” but then “briefly turned [their] back on Major and the dog bit [redacted] a second time on the right buttock.”

“Approximately 15 minutes after this attack, POTUS Biden opened the front door to let Major into the residence,” according to the email.

The attacks continued until at least May 2021.

New York Post 


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