Overseas TV Mocks Biden, This Is What The World Really Thinks Of Joe – WATCH

This was brutal.

We’ve been documenting just how bad Biden’s been lately and recently highlighted his abysmal trip to Ohio when he got into a fight with his jacket.

Biden met with community leaders and spoke for seven minutes slurring his words while reading directly off his notes.

Then, the President started to yell randomly.

After waiting about a year to visit the town that experienced a very scary tragedy, Biden said, “We leave no one behind.”

Then the President had a wardrobe malfunction or something.

Liberals may choose to stay in the dark but the world is noticing.

Recently, President Biden was mocked in a skit on an Italian comedy show highlighting his cognitive abilities.

Italian comedian Maurizio Crozza portrayed Biden, seen in the sketch fumbling to the podium confused.

The comedy skit featured Crozza’s impersonation of Biden picking up a briefcase with a large red button after he said he forgot to take his pills.

“That’s the briefcase with the atomic codes,” a voice warned Crozza’s Biden. “You’re not alright. This is a big deal.”


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